Electric Retractable Thruster - COMPACT RETRACT

HomeRetractable ThrustersElectric Retractable Thrusters
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Designed for yachts from 9 to 16 metres (30-52’). This lightweight electric retractable thruster, the first of its kind, has been a major success with shipyards from the
start. The compact retract is delivered complete with grey joystick, control system cable and support.

- Lightweight composite construction.
- Lowest profile and smallest hull opening on market.
- Bolted onto flange, not directly laminated into the hull.
- Rapid deployment.
- No exposed moving parts inside yacht.
- Splash resistant inside yacht.
- Intelligent position detection

The compact retract is delivered complete with grey joystick, control system cable and support.

Code Voltage Thrust Propellers Power Weight A B C D E
317821 12V 70(kg) / 154(lbs) 2 4.79(kw) / 6.4(hp) 40(kg) 555(mm) 388(mm) 385(mm) 185(mm) 241(mm)
317822 24V 85(kg) / 187(lbs) 2 5.28(kw) / 7.1(hp) 40(kg) 555(mm) 388(mm) 385(mm) 185(mm) 241(mm)
600128 48V 100(kg) / 220(lbs) 2 6(kw) / 8.16(hp) 40 (kg) 555 (mm) 388 (mm) 385 (mm) 185 (mm) 241 (mm)